10. Factor Analysis

  1. Click on Factor Analysis in the Statistics category

  1. Install Package: You can automatically Import the necessary packages for factor analysis.

  2. Data: Select the data for factor analysis. You can also choose specific conditions using the Subset option.

  3. Variable: Choose the variables from the selected data for factor analysis.

  4. Rotation: Select a rotation method to analyze which factors best explain the data.

  5. Method: Choose a factor analysis method:

    • Principal: Principal Factor Analysis

    • ML: Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis

    • Minres: Minimum Residual Factor Analysis

  6. Impute: Select a method for handling missing values:

    • Drop: Remove rows with missing values.

    • Mean / Median: Replace missing values with the mean or median.

  7. Extract: Decide on the criteria for extracting factors and specify the number of factors to extract.

  8. Display: Visualize the results.

  9. Code View: Preview the generated code.

  10. Data View: Preview the resulting data.

  11. Run: Execute the code.

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