3. Data Info

Check the Basic Information of the Data

  1. Click on Data Info in the Data Analysis category.

  1. Click on the Data tab at the top left to select the DataFrame for which you want to view information.

2-1. Click on the funnel icon on the tab's right side allows you to extract specific columns.

  1. In the Info Preview on the right, information is displayed briefly.

  2. Clicking Run will execute the code without closing the window.

  3. Use Code View at the bottom left to check the generated code.


  1. Info provides basic information such as Column, Non-Null Count, Dtype, etc.

  2. Describe displays basic statistics for each column.

  3. Head shows the top five rows of the DataFrame.

  4. Tail displays the bottom five rows of the DataFrame.


  1. Null Count shows the count of Null and Non-Null values for each column.

  2. Duplicated reveals the count of duplicated values.

  3. Unique works on a single column. Shows the unique values in a column.

  4. Value Counts displays the count of each value in each column. For continuous variables, it shows the count within arbitrarily defined intervals.


  1. Check and confirm desired statistical values.

1-1. Multiple selections are possible for square values.

1-2. Multiple selections are not possible for circular values.


  1. Correlation Table shows a table indicating the correlation between each column.

  2. Correlation Matrix represents the correlation table as a Heat Map.


  1. Represents data in various forms.

1-1. Histogram

1-2. Scatter Matrix

1-3. Box Plot

1-4. Counter Plot

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